Peto cita Yoga
Lendo o blog de Susie Mallett me surpreendo com a citação de Peto sobre Yoga em uma de suas leituras, The Conductive Soul:
...András Pető wrote about how yoga uses breathing. This section about the breathing is fascinating as to me there always seemed to be more to the breathing programmes in Conductive Education than anyone ever told us...
Não me contive em alegria e coincidências. Quantas vezes tentei descrever a Educação Condutiva usando como exemplo minhas aulas de Yoga. E comentei no blog da Susie:
LeticiaBúrigoTK-1288 said...
Susie, I am not surprising knowing that Peto said some about Yoga. But it is first time i have read it!
I am practicing yoga since a long time and i always can see CE and Yoga connected. Everytime I mention examples using yoga to describe CE. We have a yoga teacher in our group as well. I would like to know more if you have some clues.
Nice work. Leticia 18 MARCH 2008 04:02
A partir deste texto escrevi o Cansaço, citando Yoga. Quem relacionou um ao outro, foi Andrew Sutton, sugerindo mais uma vez minha leitura em seu blog no artigo Rumblings in Blogosphere.
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